10 Confusing TV Show Questions We Still Don't Understand

From Lost to Avatar: The Last Airbender, these shows asked questions they never fully answered.

TV Show Mysteries Twin Peaks

The hallmark of a good TV show is one that keeps its audience guessing. When we tune into a show, we don’t want everything to be spelled out right before us. We want teases, and mysteries, and questions that set us all ablaze with speculation and theories. That being said, sometimes shows fail to deliver on the promise of a question asked, leaving that thread dangling with no definitive answer - sometimes frustratingly.

There have been a fair few shows over the years that set up interesting questions but, after twisting so many knots into the mystery, never bothered unravelling it. Whatever the reason might have been - perhaps it didn’t matter to the plot, or perhaps the writers simply couldn’t come up with anything, we will never know - the audience was denied the answers.

Now it is not essential for a show to resolve every single plot thread by the time it wraps up. Sometimes an unanswered question elevates the story, leaving fans with something to chew on even after the show is over. Nonetheless, these particular questions continue to frustrate and provoke debate in equal measure.

From unexplained backstories to a complete lack of explanation for big climaxes, these are 10 TV show questions that continue to make fans scratch their heads.

10. Who Is Sookie's Husband? - True Blood

TV Show Mysteries Twin Peaks

For seven seasons, True Blood took its audience on a rollercoaster ride of emotions. Often dividing fans and critics, HBO’s vampire tale delivered more than its share of steamy romances and love triangles. But after all the romantic and sexual tension, it was the very last pairing that made fans raise their eyebrows - and they haven’t come down since.

The final scene fast forwards four years into the future, where the surviving characters enjoy a Thanksgiving meal. It’s not just the known faces who are present though, there is in fact a newcomer. This is where we meet Sookie’s final love interest and supposed endgame, her husband.

Unfortunately, that is where the story leaves it. We get no further explanations or even a name. This was especially infuriating considering Sookie’s love interests were the central focus of the entire story. After all the battles and hot-blooded moments with the likes of Bill and Eric, our telepathic waitress ends up with some random unknown that we’ve never even met.

Fans demanded an answer, and they continue to do so to this very day.

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After battling Galactus and pinning Hulk Hogan in the main event of Wrestlemania, I've taken a break from living in fantasy worlds, to focus on writing about them. I'm a comic book geek, a wrestling mark, a break dancer, and a scientist. One of those things may not be true.