Family Guy: A realistic view of the modern western family, said no one anywhere, ever. Like the All in the Family, Married with Children, and The Simpsons before it, Family Guy presents a view of the nuclear family that is sheer hyperbole, an exaggerated look at family life in the middle class, and all the little quirks that come along with it. At the head of that family, in the case of Family Guy, sits Peter Griffin (that's Pea-Tear Gryphon), the impulsive, crude, yet inexplicably successful father figure. He is, literally, an idiot (thank you, Petarded), and prone to the most embarrassing family and social interactions around. On top of that, he's frequently risking life and limb of himself or his family members for sheer laughs, and does not know the definition of the word restraint. Or where to look it up. So are you the Peter Griffin of your family? Perhaps you take great pleasure in embarrassing your family, you always find time for alcohol, you get bored easily, you can be impulsive at times, and you're best friends with your dog. If just a few of those are you, then congratulations (or alternatively, our condolences), youre Peter Griffin! Now is probably the time to remind you of the episode Peter discovered his IQ test falls slightly below the level for mental retardation (Petarded), but chances are, you wouldn't understand what we're getting at anyway. So lets throw caution to the wind and look at ten telltale signs that you're the Peter Griffin of your family. Disclaimer: during research for this article, we attempted to build a slip n' slide down the stairs. The basement is flooded, and there are lawsuits pending. Do not try this at home.
Primarily covering the sport of MMA from Ontario, Canada, Jay Anderson has been writing for various publications covering sports, technology, and pop culture since 2001. Jay holds an Honours Bachelor of Arts degree in English from the University of Guelph, and a Certificate in Leadership Skills from Humber College.