27 Things Only Fans Of The Walking Dead Will Understand

24. You're Shocked At Carol's Transformation Into A Psychotic Badass

The Walking Dead Carol Killed Karen Amd David Gif Gif

Considering Carol was in such an abusive relationship with her husband Ed in season one, she has been allocated the biggest character development on the show as she's now transformed from a timid, self-loathing woman into a strong, independent child murderer and is talking about doing it again. Carol is quick to do anything which will ensure the survival and the wellbeing of the group, including burning alive anyone who has a slight cough and is now threatening children about tying them to a tree in the woods for the walkers to eat. Damn that girl is one scary mother and you would literally do anything to make sure that she's on your side.

Lover of Tolkien's world, Harry Potter and baked goods. A camel once put his head on my shoulder and it was the best day ever. sara@whatculture.com