9 Marvel Superheroes Who Desperately Deserve Their Own Netflix Series
A Blade reboot? On Netflix? You know you want it.

If you happen to be a Marvel fan in this day and age, you've got to be having a good time. On top of a highly lucrative and ridiculously successful cinematic universe on the big screen, Marvel Studios have broadened their horizons to what was a few years ago one of the more unconventional media formats - that being online streaming - and have in turn managed to adapt some of their most revered and mature properties to universal acclaim as a result.
Whilst unprecedented, Marvel on Netflix is, in many ways, the company's most preeminent visual representation. It may not be the vanguard of the MCU as we know it, but it almost certainly eclipses it, with Daredevil and Jessica Jones already leading the charge for more nuanced, engaging depictions of superheroes to become the new norm of the genre. Luke Cage and Iron Fist are soon to follow, and given their predecessors uniform success, I think it's safe to expect great things in the coming months.
However, there is so much more that Marvel could be doing. Slowly but surely, they've reacquired on-screen licenses for some of their most fondly remembered characters, including but not limited to Blade and Ghost Rider. Punisher too made a trailblazing debut to the MCU in Daredevil's second season, and as more properties are gradually returned to the house of mouse, one can only hope that their eventual destination arrives in the form of a binge-watchable extravaganza of costumed melodrama.