9 Most Memorable Alternate Universe TV Episodes 

7. Lost - The Final Season

Rick and Morty The Ricklantis Mixup

Lost made its name by mysteriously presenting one puzzle after another to keep their audience guessing throughout its run. Each season had a twist, and as many sub-twists as could possibly be jammed into each hour. Sometimes those questions were answered, and other times, not so much. What’s with the smoke monster? Who are The Others? What’s going on with the hatch? Who is that man in black again? These mysteries kept the show at the top of everyone’s mind and managed to do so throughout its six-year run.

The big twist in the last season came in the form of what are affectionately known as flash sideways sequences. In the primary universe, the survivors are trapped as usual on the island. In the flash sideways universe, six of those survivors were rescued and are seen living their lives on the mainland. The Oceanic Six were the only survivors.

The flash sideways gimmick ultimately served to further convolute what was already a genuinely confusing final season. While this may be one of the most memorable alternate universe stories, it could also be described one of the most difficult to understand.


JP is a freelancer with many deeply nerdy pastimes that include: WWE, Dungeons & Dragons, nerdy TV shows, writing about all of those things on the internet.