Arrow Season 4: 15 WTF Moments From 'Sins Of The Father'

Civil War, demented dads, deathbeds, and chopped off limbs!

Arrow€™s latest outing, Sins of the Father, certainly has some high stakes on the line. With Thea Queen€™s life literally hanging in the balance, Oliver is given the opportunity to get a cure for his sister€™s condition. The only thing is, in order for Nyssa al Ghul to hand over the goods, the Emerald Archer must carry out a task for the Daughter of the Demon: kill Malcolm Merlyn. So, with a power battle taking place within the League of Assassins, and with Thea on death€™s door, things don€™t get any smoother for Team Arrow when Felicity Smoak has to deal with the recent arrival in Star City on her long-absent father. Throughout this hard-hitting, game-changing episode, there were a whole load of WTF moments that left jaws agape and threw up questions as to what lies ahead for the Green Arrow and his world.

15. Nyssa Can€™t Beat Malcolm?

Whilst she€™s neither really an all-out hero or all-out villain, Nyssa al Ghul is never less than confident, bordering on arrogant even. And rightly so, for the daughter of Ra€™s al Ghul is a highly skilled warrior who isn€™t afraid to tackle the biggest of challengers. So, with that said, it was a little bit of a WTF moment to see the usually cocksure Nyssa openly admit to Oliver that she cannot defeat Malcolm Merlyn, the man she wants dead. As such, that€™s why she wants Ollie to kill Merlyn, for she knows she cannot get the job done herself no matter how much she€™d like to.
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