Breaking Bad, the hit Vince Gilligan-created crime drama, is into its final few episodes, the last of which, 'To'hajiilee', left us on the floor. As well as being a compelling show with its intelligent writing and hooks, Gilligan not only shocks us with his cliff hangers and unique plot devices, but also grabs our attention with the oft-sheer brutality depicted on screen. Throughout Breaking Bad's run, there have been a staggering 257 deaths, be it from the 167 unnamed passengers on the Wayfarer 515 and JM 21 flights in season two, through to specific characters bumped off at various stages. And here, we relive 10 of those deaths and bring to you the most brutal found in the show so far.
10. No Doze

Does anyone remember 'No Doze'? It's kind of difficult not too. Perhaps this image of his blooded face will remind you. Season one of Breaking Bad got off to a slow start in the body count department with just three deaths spread out through the show's seven episodes, but more than made up for it in the finale - 'A-no-rough-stuff-type deal.' One of the crazed Tuco Salamanca's head lieutenants in his drug organization, No Doze makes the fatal mistake of forgetting his place in the kingpin hierarchy by telling Jesse and Walt to "just remember who you're working for". This leads to a high and already psychopathic Tuco to misinterpret his words as an insult to his intelligence, before promptly beating the absolute tar out of his employee, leaving him in a bloody crumpled heap on the floor. This scene of unbridled violence brought the curtain down on season one and gave us something of a barometer of what to expect from future seasons.