Friends Quiz: Who Said It - Phoebe Or Monica?

Only the huge fans of Friends will get top marks on this ultimate Monica and Phoebe quotes quiz.

Friends Monica Phoebe

Phoebe Buffay and Monica Geller were original roommates that were never meant to be.

Monica's neatness and need for everything to be in the right place eventually drove chilled Phoebe to want to move out. Not wanting to upset Monica, Phoebe slowly moved her possessions to her grandmother's home. Though it was sad for Monica when she found out, she soon realised that in the long term, it was better for their friendship.

How much do you know about Phoebe Buffay and Monica Geller? Do you have what it takes to tell the two apart. This quiz features 12 quotes from the friends and former roommates, all you have to do is decide if it was Monica or Phoebe who said it.

Can you remember who said that they wished they could but didn't want to? Was it Phoebe or Monica who said they were 25 and 13 months?

Only the huge fans of Friends will get top marks on this ultimate Monica and Phoebe quotes quiz. Let's find out how many you score correctly!

Don't forget, all the answers can be found at the end of the quiz. Good luck!

1. One Really Does Have A Stick Up One’s Ass. Doesn’t One?


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