Game Of Thrones: 9 Best Ways To Show Your Tormund Love
The Wildling Prince of our hearts.

Winter has come. The nights are beginning to draw in for real and what stands before us is a yawning maw of Game Of Throneslessness until the final six episodes return (probably in 2019) to wrap up the stories of the Great Game's players. It's almost too much to take when you think about it, but at least we have the first seven seasons to watch again endlessly while we wait.
And maybe George RR Martin might actually release The Winds Of Winter in between his busy hat modelling schedule... Yeah, maybe not.
The hardest thing is being pulled away from beloved characters and best friends built up over the years. And none will be missed quite as profoundly as Tormund Giantsbane, the MVP of HBO's flagship show who has blossomed like a gorgeous, flaming flower since appearing first in the third season to throw shade at Jon Snow. Since then, he's grown attached to Brienne, hilariously, and become Jon's right hand man, suggesting that he could be dead at any moment. But he's definitely not, no matter how many dragons dropped walls on him.
Even though Game Of Thrones is over for another year, there's still plenty of opportunities to show your love for the Seven Kingdoms' greatest character...
9. This Incredible T-Shirt

Have you ever seen something so beautiful in your entire life?
Not only is this one of the greatest lines in the show's illustrious, beautifully written history, it's also a belated positive strike for all of us who were told we didn't have a soul. Take that, bullies, now who's the coolest?