Game Of Thrones: George R.R. Martin Confirms Spin-Off Won't Be Robert's Rebellion
GRRM also dashes hopes of Dunk & Egg series, while confirming a fifth writer as well.

Earlier this month word broke that HBO were developing four potential Game of Thrones spin-offs, with George R.R. Martin himself co-writing two of them.
Naturally that led to a lot of speculation as to what they may be, with the two most common being Robert's Rebellion and The Tales of Dunk & Egg. Now Martin has taken to his (not a) blog to clarify a few things regarding these new scripts, including dashing hopes people might've had for seeing either of those:
"We're not doing Dunk & Egg. Eventually, sure, I'd love that, and so would many of you. But I've only written and published three novellas to date, and there are at least seven or eight or ten more I want to write. We all know how slow I am, and how fast a television show can move. I don't want to repeat what happened with GAME OF THRONES itself, where the show gets ahead of the books. When the day comes that I've finished telling all my tales of Dunk & Egg, then we'll do a tv show about them... but that day is still a long ways off.
"We're not doing Robert's Rebellion either. I know thousands of you want that, I know there's a petition... but by the time I finish writing A SONG OF ICE & FIRE, you will know every important thing that happened in Robert's Rebellion. There would be no surprises or revelations left in such a show, just the acting out of conflicts whose resolutions you already know. That's not a story I want to tell just now; it would feel too much like a twice-told tale."
The news will no doubt be disappointing to many, but I'd argue that Martin is right - as I wrote here on why the spin-off shouldn't be either of those stories.
Martin also confirms that the spin-off isn't in the traditional sense, and will definitely be a prequel. Sadly, this does mean that "all of you who were hoping for the further adventures of Hot Pie are doomed to disappointment."
The author also mentions that he's been working with all the other writers - Max Borenstein, Jane Goldman, Brian Helgeland, and Carly Wray - and that there's a fifth to be announced who knows and loves Westeros lore better than almost anyone. If I had to place a guess, I'd say longtime Game of Thrones writer Bryan Cogman is the man he's talking about.
Finally, Martin does confirm that he is still working on The Winds of Winter. Quite when we'll get it though, especially with all this added work, is now anyone's guess.
What do you want to see a Thrones spin-off about? Let us know down in the comments.