Game of Thrones Season 2: Who's Who & New Characters
Hopefully this will help to eliminate any confusion you might have when you yell at your TV: “Wait! Who the hell was that guy again?”
Game of Thrones and the new characters are starting to pile up! As if the monstrous cast of Season 1 wasnt enough to wrap our minds around, there are a whopping 22 new characters (worth mentioning) introduced over the first four episodes of Season 2. The following list gives some brief background information about each new character, who they are and how they fit into the story. Hopefully this will help to eliminate any confusion you might have when you yell at your TV: Wait! Who the hell was that guy again? At Dragonstone:
King Stannis BaratheonPlayed by: Stephen Dillane Stannis is the late King Roberts younger brother and the rightful heir to the Iron Throne and Westeros. Since Roberts Rebellion, he has held the island fortress of Dragonstone, which lies northeast of Kings Landing. Stannis is a hard, pragmatic man, with little patience for friends. Though an experienced military commander, his current forces are not large enough to march on Kings Landing.
Salladhor SaanPlayed by: Lucian Msamati Saan is a flamboyant pirate-lord from the Free City of Lys. He is the self-styled Prince of the Narrow Sea, commanding some thirty warships. When he isnt pirating, Salladhor Saan has no qualms about selling his services as a mercenary fleet to the highest bidder. As and old friend of Davos, he agrees to join Stannis campaign against Kings Landing for a price.
CrasterPlayed by: Robert Pugh Craster is a particularly unsavoury wildling that lives north of the wall with his many wives. His wives are also his daughters. Crasters Keep sits just north of the wall and is the first stop on the Nights Watch expedition. Despite his vile habits, Craster has been a friend to the Nights Watch and his hospitality has often meant the difference between life and death for many a wandering ranger. Craster dislikes Jon Snow, who discovers why Craster has no sons.
Eddison "Dolorous Edd" TollettPlayed by: Ben Crompton Tollett is one of the brothers of the Nights Watch who joins Jon and co. on the expedition north of the Wall. His nickname derives from his penchant for sarcasm and pessimistic sense of humour. At Renly's Camp:
Brienne of TarthPlayed by Gwendoline Christie Mockingly known as Brienne the Beauty for her unfortunate looks, Brienne is a lordless soldier who wins the tourney melee against Loras Tyrell at Renlys camp. As her champions reward, Renly grants her a place in his Kingsguard. Expect her role to increase as the season moves on. With Ayra:
Ser Amory LorchPlayed by: Fintan McKeown Ser Amory is a Lannister knight who is hunting down Yoren and his band of Nights Watch recruits. After overtaking them and slaying Yoren, Lorch captures Arya and co. and brings them to Harrenhall, a famously haunted castle. Across the Narrow Sea:
Xaro Xhoan DaxosPlayed by: Nonso Anozie When the Thirteen deny Daenerys welcome passage into the city, Xaro stands forward to personally vouch for her. Out of the kindness of his heart? Most likely not, but youll have to keep watching to see. He will become Daenerys host in the city and a powerful ally, but dont expect him to offer her an army and some ships to sail them to Westeros.
King Balon GreyjoyPlayed by: Patrick Malahide Balon is the Lord Reaper of Pyke and self-styled King of the Iron Islands. Several years previously, he lead a failed rebellion against King Robert for his crown and independence. The short war took the lives of his two eldest sons, and saw his youngest son Theon (then a boy) taken as hostage and ward to Eddard Stark. Theon returns with terms of an alliance with Robb Stark, offering a crown and independence in exchange for aid against the Lannisters. Balon refuses, using his favourite quote: I pay the Iron price, meaning he isnt given a crown, he will take one. Balon has his eyes on the north, which has been left relatively weakened by the departure of Robbs army to the Riverlands.

Played by: Carive van Houten
The mysterious Red Priest is devoted to Rhllor, the Lord of Light, and according to her, the one true God. This religion comes from the eastern continent (Essos) and the Free Cities and is not well known in the Seven Kingdoms. Melisandre serves as Stannis close advisor and she proclaims to have seen his victory in the fire. Fire prophecies are just one of the mysterious powers of the Red Priests. She believes Stannis is the prophesised warrior promised by her faith, the one who will lead the armies of Rhllor and defeat the coming darkness. Ser Davos SeaworthPlayed by: Liam Cunningham Davos is a former smuggler who saved Stannis life during Roberts Rebellion. When Stannis was besieged and starving in Storms End, Davos smuggled in onions, which they survived on until Eddard Stark lifted the siege. Since then, Stannis has taken Davos into his service as an anointed knight, known as the Onion Knight because of his heroics. As punishment for his life as a smuggler, Stannis cut off part of the fingers of his left hand. Due to his low birth, many other knights and lords do not respect him.Played by: Ker Logan
Matthos is the third son of Davos and is a devout follower of the Lord of Light. He fights for Stannis alongside his father. The two often disagree in matters of theology.
Maester Cressen
Played by: Oliver Ford Davies
The long serving Maester of the House Baratheon only appears briefly in the first episode of Season 2. He sees danger in Melisandre and her Red God and tries to warn Davos. In a last desperate attempt to save his master, Cressen tries to trick Melisandre into drinking poison, but her unknown powers protect her and Cressen dies. North of the Wall:
Played by: Hannah Murray
Gilly is one of Crasters daughter/wives who lives with him beyond the wall. Gilly is herself pregnant and fears what will happen to her baby if it is a boy. In her desperation, she turns to Samwell Tarly and Jon Snow for help, but Jon refuses her, knowing full well what Craster would do to them if they interfered in his affairs.
Margaery Tyrell
Played by: Natalie Dormer
Margaery is the only daughter of the vastly wealthy Tyrell family. Her father Mace Tyrell is the lord of Highgarden and Warden of the South. Her brother is Loras Tyrell, the Knight of Flowers. Margaery is said to be as intelligent as she is beautiful. Renly marries Margaery despite his romantic engagement with her brother Loras. The marriage is a political match so that Renly can hold the support of the Tyrells, their money, and their army. Margaery is a shrewd player and knows the game her husband and father are playing but she appears more than happy to do her part for her family and King.
Jaqen Hghar
Played by: Tom Wlaschiha
Jaqen Hghar is one of the prisoners in the cage that is travelling north with Arya and co. to the Wall. It is unknown what crime he committed to earn his shackles. We havent seen much of him yet, but his role should increase substantially in Episode Five and he will become one of the most influential characters in Aryas story arc.
Spice King
Played by: Nicholas Blane
When Daenerys arrives at the ancient, majestic city of Qarth she is greeted by the Thirteen, one of the ruling factions of the city. The man who greets her first is a Spice trader, whose name is quite long and quite impossible for foreigners to pronounce.

Pyat Pree
Played by: Ian Hanmore
Pyat Pree is an alleged warlock of Qarth. He is present when the Thirteen greet Daenerys at the gates of Qarth and it should become clearer who he is later on in the season. With the Young Wolf:Ser Alton LannisterPlayed by: Karl Davies Alton Lannister is the cousin to Jaime, Tyrion and Cersei who is taken prisoner by Robb Starks army after the battle of the Whispering Wood (end of Season 1). He gets the unfortunate task of running back and forth between Kings Landing and Robbs Camp to deliver peace terms which both sides know neither will accept.
Lord Roose Bolton
Played by: Michael McElhatton
Roose is the Lord of House Bolton and one of Robb Starks bannermen. A hard man, his family has a saying: "A naked man holds few secrets, a flayed man holds none." He fights with Robb in the victory at Oxcross and will have more of a role in the later half of the season.Talisa
Played by Oona Chaplin
Talisa is introduced as a field nurse after Robbs victory at Oxcross. She trades words with the Young Wolf before leaving. Theres some confusion over who she actually is because originally, Chaplin was cast as Jeyne Westerling, a daughter of a minor noble house who becomes Robbs romantic interest. Its possible that this role has been changed or that Jeyne is simply hiding her true identity for the moment. At King's Landing:
Ser Dontos Hollard
Played by Tony Way
The drunken knight is made a fool of at the tourney on Joffreys name day. Sansa saves him from execution and he is made the new court jester. He may seem like nobody at the moment, but he should become a bigger character in Sansas story arc later in the season. The Iron Islanders:
Yara Greyjoy
Played by: Gemma Whelan
Yara is Theons elder sister and a fierce warrior in her own right. After the death of her brothers and departure of Theon, Yara bonded closely to her father and became the son he no longer had. She commands her own warship in the Iron Fleet and aspires to succeed her father as ruler of the Iron Islands instead of Theon. The Islanders do not always hold to the traditions of the line of succession, where Theon is technically the next heir. Game of Thrones airs Sunday nights on HBO in the US and on Monday nights on Sky Atlantic in the UK. If you like, leave us a comment below about your favourite new character in Season 2 and who you are most looking forward to watching in the second half of the season.