Kevin Smith Reality Show COMIC BOOK MEN Coming to AMC
Two trailers have been released showing us what is to be expected from the show, which seems to be just banter between friends.

Set in Kevin Smith's iconic comic shop, Jay and Silent Bob's Secret Stash, the unscripted show captures the world of the neighborhood comic book store and fanboy cultureTwo trailers have been released showing us what is to be expected from the show, which seems to be just banter between friends. Understandable as they have known each other for many years. One of the 'cast' members, manager Walt Flanagan, will be familiar to fans of Smith's work, having appeared in a number of his films and also served as artist on his two Batman series, Cacophony and The Widening Gyre. Love him or hate him, there is no denying Kevin Smith has a loyal fan base, and anything to do with comics seems to be gold these days, so the show is expected to do well. AMC seem to think so, scheduling the season premiere, the first of six one hour episodes, to follow another comic book related show, The Walking Dead. The two trailers below;