With Scrubs recent re-introduction to the UK Netflix catalogue, it's the perfect opportunity to rediscover just how wonderful the NBC / ABC series was at its peak (aka before Season 9, which we can all forget exists and simply remember the original - and perfect - finale J.D was treated to). From early on, one of the series major strengths was the attention lavished upon its characters. Although packed to the hilt with medical ribbing and lashings of slapstick humour, the central appeal of Scrubs is its depiction of the relationships and idiosyncrasies of the characters at its core, and not just those of the chief cast members. Even bit players who surfaced in only one or two episodes were more often than not fleshed out and given credible and heartfelt stories, with writers and actors alike working to ensure that nobody gets short shrift. The result is an explosively funny and dynamic group of personalities, who rarely waste time in delivering big on boosting Scrubs' comedic credentials. These figures dont just exist for comic effect, either. A number of these cameos linger with genuine resonance, weighing in with a striking emotional force even with a limited amount of screen time. A number of episodes which focus on such characters are among the series' best, and it's well worth looking into some of these supporting players whose contributions have lingered almost as much as those of the central cast. (Due to their more extensive appearances in the series, more regular characters such as Kim Briggs, Keith Dudemeister, Sean Kelly, Molly Clock, and others of similar stature have been omitted from this list. Only because if I tried incorporating recurring characters of such scale, this list would just never end.)