The Simpsons - 10 Classic Easter Eggs You Probably Missed In Season 17

You (Annoyed Grunt)n't know how much is hidden in the newer episodes. The Simpsons Season 17 has just been released on DVD and Blu-Ray, bringing the 2006/2007 run of the animated giant to home video for the first time. These mid-teen years aren't always regarded in the best way by the show's constantly emergent detractors, but just because this isn't the best season of the show doesn't mean there's not things to enjoy - two episodes from this run managed to win Emmys. If you've somehow missed these episodes, it's worth checking them out - it is still The Simpsons, which promises at least a couple of good jokes per episode, after all. On top of some genuinely well-written episodes (The Seemingly Never-Ending Story is a stand-out), there's also a sense of reverence in the season, with numerous nods to some of the earlier episodes. Here's a run down of ten of the best easter eggs in Season 17 that directly reference the show's classic run.

Honourable Mention - References To The Movie

Season 17 first premiered in the 2006/2007 television season, which placed it at a very important point in Simpsons history; it was the last season before the release of The Simpsons Movie. Naturally the episodes preceding the Trappuccino event made copious references to the show's jump to the big screen, most notably in the chalkboard gag for Regarding Margie, where Bart's writing "I will not leak the plot of the movie". This episode aired just over a month before the film's premiere, no doubt further stoking the hype for the anticipated movie. Obviously, out of context these winks don't make that much sense, either dating the episode or just coming across as a little confusing from a 2014 standpoint.

Film Editor (2014-2016). Loves The Usual Suspects. Hates Transformers 2. Everything else lies somewhere in the middle. Once met the Chuckle Brothers.