The Office Quiz: Who Said It - Pam Or Erin?

Can you tell the two best receptionists at Dunder Mifflin Scranton apart? Let's find out!

The Office Quiz

In The Office, there are two receptionists who won over our hearts, Pam Beesley and Erin Hannigan.

Pam was the original receptionist at Dunder Mifflin Scranton. Bored of her job, Pam decides to take a risk on following Michael Scott out the door and get a job in sales. When Pam returns to Dunder Mifflin, someone else has taken her place at reception. Eventually Pam takes on the role as Office Administrator, becoming the ultimate manager of the office.

Erin turns out to be a great addition to the office. Though Michael isn't sure about her at first, he eventually realises that she respects him so much he becomes like a father figure to her.

Pam and Erin aren't anything alike in the way they ran the reception desk and catered to Michael's unusual requests. The question is can you tell the two receptionists apart?

All you need to do is decide which of the 12 quotes belong to Erin and which belong to Pam. Will you identify them all? Lets find out!

Don't forget, all of the answers can be found at the end of the quiz. Good luck!

1. I Feel God In This Chili's Tonight.


Jen Gallie hasn't written a bio just yet, but if they had... it would appear here.