Arrested Development, despite its meager-to-awful ratings while on FOX in the early 2000s, managed to gain a large critical and popular following very quickly. In fact, the positive response from critics was prevalent throughout the shows run on network television, and the lack of viewers was largely due to FOX constantly changing schedules and failing to advertise properly. Part of what made Arrested Development so great was the seemingly endless list of fantastic guest appearances, giving the show depth beyond the already-incredible main cast. Complementing the likes of Jason Bateman, Jessica Walter and Jeffrey Tambor was an array of Hollywood stars from both past and present. Now, lets take a look at my personal Top-10 list of the best guest appearances of Arrested Development. There are so many guest appearances that do not appear this list, and it is in no way an exhaustive collection. If one of your favorite stars doesnt appear here, leave a comment with his or her name!