TV Review: GRIMM 1.1, Overly Stale Fantasy Cop Drama
NBC’s new fantasy/crime series Grimm doesn’t officially air until next Friday, but we got an early look at the pilot episode this week.

rating: 2.5
NBCs new fantasy/crime series Grimm doesnt officially air until next Friday, but we got an early look at the pilot episode this week. There has been a fair bit of hype for this Fables-esque show featuring stories that are loosely based on the popular Brothers Grimm fairytales, with the added mash up of a modern cop/detective drama. Unfortunately it seems like the hype was just a lot of hot air, because Grimm fails to deliver anything new or extraordinary. Being about the one-hundred-millionth cop drama out there they were already shooting themselves in the foot on that front, but its actually the fantasy elements that seem overly stale. Up until the title card (about 10 minutes in) I was actually pretty excited by what I had seen so far; the episode opens with a young college girl going for a morning jog in the creepy woods (as you do) and shes blatantly sporting a red hoodie. So OK, were going to be dealing with Little Red Riding Hood, not my favourite fable, but it quickly became my favourite modern update when Red is brutally torn apart out of nowhere by what we can assume is the Big Bad Wolf. Awesome. Next were introduced to the main character Nick Burkhardt, a homicide detective played by David Guintoli (whom I will try not to refer to as Brandon Routh Jr.) Nicks having a pretty strange day, because he keeps seeing peoples faces turn into demons. Why? Well heres where we get the list of fantasy clichés that will probably put Grimm in the line for cancellation. Turns out Nick is the last in the line of actual Grimms, an order of warriors sworn to protect the unsuspecting world against all the monsters and baddies under the bed. His Aunt Marie (Kate Burton), also a Grimm, passes the mantle of Grimmdom onto him and gives him a secret key, which he must guard with his life I know right? Oh and guess what? His parents didnt die in a car crash like he has been told all his life, no they were murdered. Geez I guess they threw that one in just for good measure.