10 Best Wrestling Entrance Pyro Effects Of All Time

7. Kane's World On Fire Entrance

Oh sure, The Undertaker gets all the entrance love, but if we're talking world-class pyro then the advantage goes to his brother. Kane has been associated with fire since the first time that his character was mentioned and ever since then he has made his way to the ring accompanied by one kind of blaze or another. The sheer volume and intensity of the initial pyro burst that comes with the start of his theme is greater than anything WWE has ever produced, and the four corner ring post flames that he summons right before battle is the perfect prelude. Yes, we may all sit and wonder why someone who can supposedly control flames relies largely on punches to win matches, but perhaps Kane doesn't consider a Street Fighter style fireball to be sporting. Who really knows? The very best Kane entrance would have to be the time he set several ladders on fire at WrestleMania 21, but even your bog standard Kane pyro is better and more impressive than most.
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An entertainment enthusiast living in Brooklyn, trying to make his way by slinging words at blank pages.