10 Best Wrestling Matches Of 2017
3. Kazuchika Okada Vs. Kenny Omega - NJPW G1 Climax Day 18
What Kazuchika Okada and Kenny Omega achieved in the ring together throughout 2017 was magical. That may read as histrionic, but there is no more accurate way of putting it.
Able to pose a single narrative question and somehow build G.O.A.T-level masterpieces around it, this third bout in their series was essentially a sprint match somehow stretched out to 25 unbelievably dramatic minutes. Though not as epic as their first two matches, there was arguably more to admire here; without the luxury of a proper puroresu main event duration, they wrestled a contender for greatest match of all time, regardless.
This was a true sequel, in that it relied on the groundwork laid in the prior two matches to create do-or-die stakes. The non-final G1 Climax 30:00 time limit stipulation added another brilliant dimension to it. These warriors had wrestled for a combined 1:46 in January and June; 30 minutes seemed like nothing. There was no way of making it believable, in comparison. New Japan booker Gedo arguably deserves a major level of credit; the worked neck injury suffered by Okada throughout the tournament, combined with the time restriction, created an unbearable sense of danger and urgency.
And they still left space for a further match down the line: as quickly as Omega answered the elusive question, the validity of his victory was cast in doubt. He'd beaten Okada - but could he beat Okada at 100%?
Perfectly booked, perfectly worked - this was a triumph that conclusively made fools of everybody who fretted over Okada and Omega sharing the same block.