10 Christmas Gifts Every WWE Fan Wants For 2016

More NXT success stories? Yes please!

The things pro wrestling fans want and the things pro wrestling fans are going to get may not be the same in 2016. World Wrestling Entertainment obviously listens to their fan base, at least some of the time, but there are other occasions when they turn the other cheek and just do whatever they want to. It really seems that Vince McMahon feels he knows what is best for his core audience, rather than simply being receptive to what they want 100% of the time. Never was that more clear than when fans were crying out for the promotion to push Daniel Bryan a few years ago. For the longest time, WWE management were resistant to the idea. Pressure mounted however, and they eventually had no choice but to shunt Bryan up the ladder and into the main event scene. There can be little doubting that a combination of the man's own talent and adulation from fans ensured he main evented WrestleMania XXX. For the coming year, fans hope to spark change in other areas. Then, there are those parts of WWE that people are content with, and thus don't want to see switched. This article looks at 10 different things many fans of the company would enjoy seeing in 2016...


Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.