10 Fascinating Stories Behind WWE Superstar Tattoos

10. Enzo Amore's Microphone

Enzo Amore Tattoo

Enzo Amore's upper-body is a tapestry of tattoo work, and all of it has at least some meaning. None of the tatts mean any more to Enzo than the old-fashioned microphone that's on the back of his right hand though. Think that mic represents his love of promos in WWE? Close, but think again.

The microphone is actually a tribute to his father, 'Big Tony'. Ignore the Grand Theft Auto-like moniker, because Enzo's dad was known as such due to his physical stature and work as a DJ in the New Jersey area. That mic on Amore's hand is the same kind his dad used to thrill audiences and entertain the locals when at work.

At the same time, the mic symbol gives Enzo confidence, so there is a small link between the tattoo and his verbal work on WWE TV. For the most part however, the tatt represents the admiration he still has for his father's career.


Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.