10 Fascinating Stories Behind WWE Superstar Tattoos

9. Kofi Kingston's Adrinka Symbols

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He may have played a Jamaican with a dodgy accent for a few years in WWE, but Kofi Kingston's Ghanaian heritage shines through via the ink work on his back. Along with the eagle wings splashed across his shoulder blades, Kofi also has a number of Adrinka symbols, each one with a unique meaning.

Kingston told Corey Graves that this was all about bringing out his rebel spirit and need to be different. Aside from the star that's second in the line (from top to bottom), the symbols represent vigilance, courage, adaptability, unity, wisdom, knowledge, and bravery.

Each one is a traditional symbol from Ghanaian culture, including the 'Nea Onmin No Sua A, Ohu' one that looks like a knotted number of 'E' letters facing in opposite directions. This symbol inspires Kingston to keep on learning, representing life-long education.


Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.