10 Fascinating WWE WrestleMania 4 Facts

3. Jim Korderas Was Legitimately Knocked Out During The IC Title Match

Wrestlemania 4 Poster

Longtime WWE official-turned-wrestling analyst Jim Korderas was the referee of record in Honky Tonk Man's Intercontinental title defense against Brutus Beefcake. In the finishing sequence, once Beefcake snared Honky with a sleeperhold, Korderas was supposed to be knocked out by Jimmy Hart, thus rendered unable to check the champion for a potential implied submission.

To achieve the referee bump, Jimmy Hart jumped to the apron and bonked Korderas with his megaphone. The then-26-year-old official took a forward flat bump, but ended up spiking his chin into the mat, knocking himself colder than ice. Korderas would claim that Hart took a bad rap for the spot, as others believed he'd injured Korderas with an unsafe shot. Korderas vehemently says that simply wasn't the case.


Justin has been a wrestling fan since 1989, and has been writing about it since 2009. Since 2014, Justin has been a features writer and interviewer for Fighting Spirit Magazine. Justin also writes for History of Wrestling, and is a contributing author to James Dixon's Titan series.