Another man who utilises the double-arm DDT is the Lunatic Fringe, Dean Ambrose. But it hasnt always been that way. When the former Shield member first appeared in the WWE, his DDT was far more straightforward. Everything about the move was as typical as youd expect, but for the subtle addition of the swinging inside leg. This would give Ambrose much more momentum, adding a lovely snap motion to the move. Sometimes it only takes a very simply touch to make a move that extra bit special, and thats exactly what Dean Ambrose did with his version of the DDT. Of course, hes since introduced the aforementioned double-underhook grip that Foley thrust to fame. Crucially though, that swinging leg remains a feature. Its this addition, whether in the standard DDT or the double-arm variant, that makes Ambroses move appear all the more impactfuleven more so than the preceding Foleys. Again, there have been others to employ that swinging leg, though rarely with the same effect as Ambrose.