10 Greatest Owen Hart Ribs Of All Time

1. Grand Theft Luger

Owen Hart

The greatest prank of all saw Lex Luger (again) fall victim to the cruel but hilarious team of Owen Hart and Davey Boy Smith.

This time, the mischievous pair had become friends with two undercover police officers. After convincing Lex that the car flashing its lights behind them was Shawn Michaels playing a joke, the American hero sped into the night trying to escape the vehicle. Only when they put their siren on did he finally stop. The cops were furious, giving him a stern telling off and taking his details before walking away. Davey Boy Smith waited until their backs were turned before shouting "Blow it out your ass!" at them. The police spun around, furious, and proceeded to ask who had been so stupid as to insult them.

"It was Lex!" said Owen, watching with glee as the big, blond wrestler was cuffed and bundled into the back of the police vehicle. Lex even stopped Davey trying to intervene on his behalf, believing he was doing him a favour! The best part? Vince McMahon saw it all go down from the safety of his limo and found the entire thing hilarious.

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Intergalactic leather jacket salesman looking for one last score.