10 Legendary Promos All Wrestlers Must Study

If your aim is to break into the business, this is your homework...

When many fledgling wrestlers look at the most important aspects of being a top star, verbal skills are often under-rated. Many focus on building the best body they can, and also getting the best outfit and gear they can find, creating the best look possible to draw eyes and grab attention. Once that's all sorted, there's hopefully some sound fundamentals of how to piece together a match under all the pizzazz, and wrestlers can focus on what is undoubtedly the most important part, the in-ring action itself. There have been some examples of grapplers who aren't the best when the bells rings, and often get by with a tremendous look or ability with the microphone, but by and large, being able to run the ropes, grab some holds and the knowledge of how to put even a basic bout together is essential if anybody has aspirations of someday earning a living from pro wrestling. The art of the promo is sometimes overlooked, something looked upon as the last piece in the puzzle, which is certainly not how it should be viewed. Never under-estimate the importance of speaking in wrestling - talking is what sells matches, helps introduce new characters, advances feuds, and can be the difference between a memorable match and a truly timeless one which fans still talk about decades later. So, if you're looking to break into wrestling, and don't find that mic skills are your strongpoint, which examples will help you out? Here are some of the best promos in wrestling history.
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Ric Flair
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Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.