10 Meanest Backstage Wrestling Feuds

4. Ultimate Warrior Vs. Hulk Hogan

Macho Man Hulk Hogan

The late Warrior - the man formerly known as Jim Hellwig in real life and the Ultimate Warrior in the ring - loathed Hulk Hogan.

The following video is the shoot rant to camera in which he details, surprisingly coherently, exactly why it is that he despised the man so much, but essentially it boils down to the reasons you’d expect: Hogan’s alleged propensity for malicious backstabbing, for lying, for duplicitous and unscrupulous behaviour, and the pleasure he supposedly took in ratting people out, displaying their dirty laundry for all the world to see.

At one point, Warrior accused Hogan of being a junkie, and actually claimed that he’d pimp his then-wife Linda out to other wrestlers - that the two had a weird, uncomfortable open relationship, something Linda has since vehemently denied. Hogan himself responded by calling Warrior a loser and threatening to sue him for defamation.

Like Savage, Warrior died of a heart attack in recent years. According to Hogan, he and Warrior also reconciled before his death, although in this case that seems to be one of those misrepresentations of the truth that have given Hogan such a representation as a horrendous orange fibmonger over the years.

In this case, Warrior’s widow Dana actually publically asked Hogan to stop telling everyone that he and her late husband had become friends before his passing, noting that Hogan was literally the only man who’d worked with Warrior who didn’t contact her with condolences or send a card to the house.

She went on to advise that the only reason Hogan had approached Warrior at the 2014 Hall Of Fame ceremony was because there was a camera crew in tow… and that the only reason that Hogan would ever write to her to express his sorrow over Warrior’s passing would be if there was another camera crew positioned at her mailbox. Ouch.


Professional writer, punk werewolf and nesting place for starfish. Obsessed with squid, spirals and story. I publish short weird fiction online at desincarne.com, and tweet nonsense under the name Jack The Bodiless. You can follow me all you like, just don't touch my stuff.