10 Most Tasteless Moments From Total Divas

3. Rosa€™s Kiss On Paige

Let€™s get this out of the way: if this were a list of the 10 most awesome things on Total Divas, this would be top of the last as well. However, we are dealing with the 10 most tasteless things on Total Divas, so unfortunately this makes the list as well. A couple weeks ago, after hearing that Paige had €œbeen with a woman before,€ Rosa leaned in and kissed an unwilling Paige outside of a restaurant. Paige didn€™t like Rosa that way, and it led to awkwardness between the two. The kiss€™s inclusion on this list has nothing to do with it being a gay/lesbian thing. This is a coworker kissing another coworker when one coworker wasn€™t anticipating nor accepting of it. In any other line of work, male or female on male or female, this is sexual harassment. If this wasn€™t a storyline, and if Paige really wanted to tell somebody, Rosa would be immediately fired.

Justin has been writing about professional wrestling for more than 15 years. A lifelong WWE fan, he also is a big fan of Ring of Honor.