Every year around Survivor Series, WWE fans think of Bret Hart. He wrestled in what was arguably the most famous match in WWE history at Survivor Series 1997 when he lost the WWE Title to Shawn Michaels. He wasn't in on the plan that only a handful of people knew, so it is something that has carried on a legacy for the past 17 years. What Bret should most be remembered for is a great career in WWE that ended before he really wanted it to, but it's great that he was able to come back to the company for a Hall of Fame induction as well as a storyline return in 2010. He's one of the best wrestlers in WWE history because he was able to have great matches with anybody and he took things seriously. Some say he took thing too seriously, which may have led to his downfall. As is always the case during these urban legends features, I'm going to lay out the story for you, then mention why people believe it and then wonder if we should believe it. In Bret's case, he's one of the most honest and open wrestlers there's ever been. He's written a great book, there have been several DVDs released about him and he does a lot of interviews as well. A lot of things about him are well known although in the wrestling business you never really know what's true and what is made up garbage. Here's a look at some of the urban legends surrounding the career of Bret "The Hitman" Hart. Some are serious and some are ridiculous because that's what pro wrestling is.
John wrote at WhatCulture from December 2013 to December 2015. It was fun, but it's over for now. Follow him on Twitter @johnreport. You can also send an email to mrjohncanton@gmail.com with any questions or comments as well.