10 Things We Learned From WWE 24 The Hardys: Woken

10. Creativity Was Already An Issue By WrestleMania X-Seven

TLC Match - SummerSlam 2000

One of the first fascinating tidbits in the doc came from Matt Hardy. When discussing The Hardys legendary rise through the ranks against other young tag-teams like Edge & Christian or The Dudley Boyz, Matt said he and Jeff felt like they had already creatively peaked by the time WrestleMania X-Seven came around.

For those not in the know, that's less than three years into their full-time run in the WWF, and less than two after that show-stealing Ladder Match at No Mercy 1999.

Even back then, The Hardys were struggling to come up with things that people hadn't seen before. SummerSlam 2000, the site of the first ever TLC bout, was so hot creatively that the brothers weren't sure how to top it come 'Mania X-Seven's sequel. That's honesty, and there was more to come.

Having plateaued creatively, Matt and Jeff believed they'd have to take bigger and bigger risks. The toll that had on their bodies is immeasurable, and there's no doubt it led to pain pill addictions down the line.


Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.