10 Things We Learned From WWE Untold: Sting

9. Vince Personally Sent Sting Through The Curtain For His Debut

Sting WWE Debut

Vince, however, wanted to welcome Sting to the WWE family in his own special way.

At Survivor Series 2014, Sting was set to even the odds in the Team Authority vs. Team Cena headliner and help Dolph Ziggler destroy Triple H and Stephanie McMahon's iron grip on the roster. His debut was a big deal personally, but it was also something that meant a lot to Vince McMahon.

Right before Sting walked through the curtain at the Scottrade Centre, Vince stood up, took his headset off at Gorilla and wandered over towards his new hire. Then, in a show of gratitude, he announced how lucky WWE was to have someone of his standing work there and said he wanted to usher him through the curtain himself.

Sting admitted on the doc that he took this as an honour. He hadn't been expecting it beforehand, and he wasn't sure if Vince had ever done anything like that for his fellow WCW peers in the past. It helped ease any last-minute fears and made him excited to debut.

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Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.