10 Things You Didn't Know About Shane Helms

9. His Team With Rosey Was For A Ridiculous Reason

The Hurricane WWE

Like many thrown-together tag teams, The Hurricane and Rosey were two guys made to work with each other who did everything they could to make it work. When Eddie 'Jamal' Fatu was released in June 2003, WWE had to find something to do for his former 3 Minute Warning tag team partner, Matthew 'Rosey' Anoa'i.

After a couple of months doing much of nothing, he was repackaged as Super Hero In Training Rosey as he went about trying to demonstrate his superhero abilities to WWE's resident caped crusader.

Super Hero In Training. S.H.I.T. Geddit?

The whole thing was the creative team's idea and the reason for it coming to be was because TNN were going to be rebranded as Spike TV, and they were positioning itself as an envelop-pushing network for men. It was, essentially, an excuse for WWE to (in a roundabout way) say sh*t on television every week. Oh how controversial...

Regardless of their harebrained origins, the duo enjoyed success, tagging for over two years and winning the World Tag Team Titles.


Student of film. Former professional wrestler. Supporter of Newcastle United. Don't cry for me, I'm already dead...