10 Times Popular Wrestlers Beat Up Fans

Don't try this at home and definitely not at the arena.

It should go without saying, but the guard rails separating in-ring performers from the fans are there for a good reason. While professional wrestling is essentially stylised violence, you can bet your bottom dollar that the vast majority of wrestlers could hand out beatings at the drop of the hat if required. One of the few times it is required is when fans jump the barricade and decide to get involved in the action. Yep, apparently a pretty savage beating is a good price to pay for a few seconds in the spotlight for some fans who clearly lack the ability to understand the difference between fact and storytelling. While violence is never the answer (stay in school, children), let's not kid ourselves, it's enjoyable seeing those lacking common sense get what's coming to them in the form of a well-deserved thrashing. However, there are instances of wrestlers instigating violence against fans for what seems to be no real good reason; it comes with being a meathead who gets beat up for a living. You would expect crowd invasions and violent interactions on the independent scene where security is much scarcer, but you'd be surprised how many top wrestling stars have got their hands dirty trading blows with supposedly loyal fans. This is 10 times popular wrestlers went toe-to-toe with wrestling fans.

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CM Punk
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Overly-opinionated Australian WWE smark who is definitely not #booty. Slowly angering the IWC one article at a time. We will probably strongly dislike each other - let's be friends! @MattKMarsden