10 Ways To Make Randy Orton's Face Turn A Success

"RKO" chants will soon fill arenas everywhere.

Randy Orton has been WWE's number 2 guy for a decade now, but he's never quite found his niche as a babyface. He could have been a huge star after his expulsion from Evolution and subsequent feud with Triple H, but he was quickly shuffled back into more of a heel role in time for a WrestleMania feud with The Undertaker. His second stint as a babyface lasted almost too long, when he defeated both of his Legacy proteges in a WrestleMania triple-threat match and had forgettable feuds with Sheamus, Alberto Del Rio and The Miz among others. When he finally turned heel at SummerSlam 2013 fans let out a huge sigh of relief because it seemed Orton was going to get interesting again. Randy Orton's most recent heel run has been entertaining, but recently it seems like he's lost in the shuffle. His match at Night of Champions against Chris Jericho seemed like an afterthought for both men, and all of the vital stories in WWE are happening without him. Now there are rumours he's going to switch back to a babyface, so here are just ten ideas for ways to make this face turn more successful than the last few.
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Randy Orton
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