10 Wildly Controversial Wrestling Statements

Greg Valentine is getting a lot of heat from fans over his WWE Diva comments...

The very nature of the wrestling business demands controversy. Former head honcho of World Championship Wrestling, Eric Bischoff once said that "Controversy Creates Cash". That very phrase was the title of his autobiography, but this list proves that it wasn't only Bischoff who thought that way. The world has long been obsessed by controversial statements, and professional wrestling is no different. This article homes in on 10 statements that created a lot of noise for the people who uttered them. Not all of them are necessarily about the private lives of wrestlers, although some did delve into situations outside of the ring. For others, they were simply accusations about things that happened between the ropes. From social media and shoot interviews, to on-screen promos and off-the-cuff comments, there's a lot of controversy in these entries. Today's world can't get enough of the controversy created by things like Facebook, Twitter and even 'reality' television. Pro wrestling lends itself to that, because the clashes of ego prevalent in the industry can be thunderous. For example, which WWE Hall Of Fame star elicited a negative response from fans due to his accidental remark about a beloved Canadian grappler? Also, which former chief writer for WCW got into hot water for his comments about wrestlers who aren't North American? The answers, and those to many more questions, are contained here.

Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.