WWE: 10 Submissions We've All Tried (That Really Hurt!)

7. Sharpshooter

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ku2HtEMkaG4 The most Canadian hold in the world. Not actually Canadian, though. Sorry to break it to you, Canadians, but since you gave the world Nickelback and Justin Bieber, it's high time you had some punishment. This is another hold that is unique to wrestling, innovated by Japanese wrestler Riki Chosu, who christened the move Sasori-Gatame, which in English translates to "scorpion hold", so called because of the way the opponent's legs curl up and behind them like a scorpion's stinger. Is "scorpion hold" and "stinger" ringing bells for any of you? Because it should (I can be coy sometimes) Sting popularised the hold in North America throughout his career, calling it the Scorpion Deathlock in tribute to it's origins. But the most famous practitioner of the submission is undoubtedly Bret Hart, who began using the move in the '80s and rechristened it as the Sharpshooter to go along with his "Hitman" persona. Since then, it's been used by many wrestlers, including The Rock, Shawn Michaels, Chris Benoit, Stone Cold Steve Austin, Edge and Bret's own relatives Owen Hart and Natalya. The hold can often be unique to the person using it, and there have been many variants throughout the years. Some wrestlers lead with their right leg, others their left. Some feed their arms through the opponent's legs differently for more torque and pressure, some squat down while others remain standing high. But the hold nearly always inflicts pain on knees, legs and lower backs. It is NOT fun to be locked in the Sharpshooter.

Stephen Maher has been a rock star, a bouncer, a banker and a busker on various streets in various countries. He's hung out with Robert Plant, he was at Nelson Mandela's birthday and he's swapped stories with prostitutes and crack addicts. He once performed at a Gay and Lesbian Mardi Gras by accident. These days, he passes the time by writing about music, wrestling, games and other forms of nerdery. And he rarely drinks the blood of the innocent.