10 WWE Wrestlers Stephanie McMahon Has Emasculated

Like husband like wife.

Stephanie Mcmahon Ronda Rousey Slap

Exactly how much flak Stephanie McMahon should get is a contentious subject in the world of professional wrestling fandom, the general consensus being 'quite a lot'.

Apart from her last name, the best explanation for the hostility is the fact that she has been all over the WWE product for what seems like an eternity. There are good reasons for this, of course: though it's almost a self-fulfilling prophecy, she's clearly an excellent heel, capable of generating a response from the crowd like almost no-one else on the roster.

But, like her shovel-wielding husband, she also has an unfortunate habit of putting herself centre-stage, in turn leaving the wrestlers with whom she shares it looking like complete chumps. A good example of this came as recently as last week, when she stole Ronda Rousey's thunder by slapping the UFC fighter across the face. Unlike most, Ronda will at least get chance to exact some measure of revenge come WrestleMania.

The rest are left entirely emasculated. And that 'rest' is a pretty sizable bunch; it's basically the Raw's commissioner's gimmick. Anyone who's anyone in wrestling has been given the naughty puppy treatment with a bollocking from the boss.

10. Kurt Angle

Stephanie Mcmahon Ronda Rousey Slap

Raw commissioner Stephanie McMahon has shared a testy working relationship with Kurt Angle, her general manager, almost from the very moment he was appointed to the role by her dad way back in April of last year.

The basic reason for this is that she doesn't think he's very good at his job. And, to be fair, he isn't: he's persistently allowed personal matters - namely the fact that Jason Jordan, his "son", is on the roster - cloud his judgement.

Rather than fire him, however, Stephanie has decided instead to chastise the Olympic gold medalist at just about every opportunity she gets, repeatedly screaming into his face during drab in-ring promos, to which his only response is to shrug and look a bit sheepish.

To be fair to her, though, the most humiliating moments Kurt has suffered since his return last year have come at the hands of Triple H, who - in addition to punching him in the face this past week - delivered a Pedigree to Jordan right in front of his face back in November. For a laugh.
