12 Most Alarming Physique Transformations In WWE History

8. Edge

BT Edge

Edge is a big, tall guy. As such, it is harder for him to put on muscle mass and size. If you look at Edge now during his post-WWE appearances, you can see what he looks like without doing the weight training required to get the WWE superstar look. But Edge's physique has been getting there, slowly but surely, for years now. He was always in good shape when he teamed with Christian but was never massive. He got more cut and muscular when he was given a singles push on SmackDown in 2002 and came back looking even bigger when he returned form neck surgery in 2004.

Edge admitted during an appearance on TSN's Off The Record with Michael Landsberg in January 2005 that he experimented with steroids following his comeback from major neck surgery in 2004 but had stopped using them because they were 'slowing him down'. It appeared that Edge wasn't telling the whole truth because in March 2007 he was named by Sports Illustrated as one of many athletes who were alleged to have bought HGH via an online pharmacy. His name came up in another SI article in August 2007, in the wake of the Benoit tragedy. He was purported to have bought genotropin, somatropin, and stanozolol from an online pharmacy between September 2004 and February 2007, while WWE was drug testing. His ex-wife also accused him (and Lita) of taking steroids in the wake of the Lita/Edge scandal in 2005.

Edge's physique deflated dramatically during the last few years of his career. According to many WWE wrestlers Edge was never too into working out and lifting weights. The multiple injuries he suffered certainly didn't help, either.

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Michael Cole
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Student of film. Former professional wrestler. Supporter of Newcastle United. Don't cry for me, I'm already dead...