13 Coolest WWE Ring Attires Of 2018

13. Natalya (SummerSlam)

Natalya Jim Neidhart

What Was It: Nattie's ultra-emotional tribute to her recently-fallen father, Jim Neidhart at SummerSlam. The pink-rimmed ring jacket her dad wore during his heyday as part of The Hart Foundation with Bret had fans in Brooklyn reaching for their tissues.

Why It Was Cool: Wearing her father's old ring coat clearly meant the world to Natalya. At once, thoughts turned to his match at SummerSlam 1988 (The Hart Foundation vs. Demolition), and memories of watching her dad wrestle were surely flooding through Nattie's mind.

This, more so than usual wrestler tributes, had a personal touch every fan could relate to within it. The beaming smile of pride Natalya wore sold an intoxicating mix of sadness and honour for Jim's legacy more than words ever could.

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