13 WTF Moments From TNA Impact (Oct 21)

TNA hits a new low with its worst episode in years...

TNA Impact Wrestling plumbed new, soul-destroying depths this week, as the show wasn't merely low-effort but very nearly no-effort, serving up one particular segment that's a testament to how little thought is really being put into these tapings. Sure, TNA are backed into a corner somewhat with this pre-taped World Title tournament, but the company's still making ridiculous mistakes and basically suggesting they don't much care. EC3's mic skills are still terrifically entertaining and there were some amusing moments of fan interaction, but this week's show only cements the feeling that we're watching an agonisingly drawn-out slow death. Hopefully things will pick up a little with the upcoming shows in India and the UK, but if it's all just possibly leading to Mahabali Shera capturing the TNA World Title in India (a rare market where TNA does insanely well), is it really worth it? As a devastating slow-motion car wreck, it's hard to look away, but this was without question the most infuriating TNA episode in a long, long time. Here are 13 WTF moments from this week's TNA Impact Wrestling...

13. EC3 Calls Mr. Anderson "The Biggest A**hole Who Ever A**holed"

The show kicks off with another backstage interview in which Jeremy Borash asks one of the groups who they think is going to advance through in the World Title Series. This time it was Group Champions, and when it came to EC3, he said, "This is a very difficult query for me to decipher", and after giving credit to Austin Aries and Bobby Lashley, says that Mr. Anderson is "the greatest a**hole who has ever a**holed." Not sure if this is a compliment or a criticism, but it's pretty damn hilarious either way, and the highlight of an otherwise dull filler segment.
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Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.