The best episodes of The Steve Austin Show are the ones where he connects with an old friend or colleague in the wrestling industry, engaging in free-flowing conversation without adhering to any set structure. Just two buddies shooting the breeze about the business they love. This weeks edition of The Unleashed version of his podcast is a prime example of that. For all the negativity hes been attached to throughout his career his struggles with substance abuse, political maneuvering behind the scenes, etc. Scott Hall is first and foremost a huge wrestling fan at heart. Hes always attributed the bond shared between he and his fellow Kliq members as stemming from their mutual love of the business, and that passion really comes to life in this interview. Hall met up with Stone Cold in beautiful Lake Hartwell, Georgia to talk about everything from his beginnings in the business, his various partners and gimmicks and his thoughts on the current product...
15. Getting In The Business
Steve begins by telling Scott that he looks to be in much better shape than the last time the two saw each other and Hall thanks him and then opens up by telling the story of how he broke into the wrestling business. He had been training down in Tampa with Hiro Matsuda - who also helped train Hulk Hogan and Lex Luger - and was doing nothing but spending his days grinding out hundreds of hindu squats and push-ups. Hall does credit Matsuda as being willing to so all the exercises he asked of his students. The goal wasn't so much to train Hall as it was to run him off and discourage him from breaking into wrestling. During this time Scott ran into Barry Windham at a grocery store and introduced himself, saying that he was a big fan and looking to get into the business. Windham asked him if he was training with anyone and when he responded that he was working with Matsuda, Barry said "Screw Hiro Matsuda, meet me down at the Hollywood Sportatorium tomorrow at noon." Hall says he didn't expect anything to actually happen, but Barry showed up with Mike Rotunda and they both worked him out in the ring, giving him his first bumps.
Brad Hamilton is a writer, musician and marketer/social media manager from Atlanta, Georgia. He's an undefeated freestyle rap battle champion, spends too little time being productive and defines himself as the literary version of Brock Lesnar.