18 Image Changes WWE Wrestlers Should Never Have Tried

What on earth do you look like, you ridiculous people?

Good god, but people in the wrestling business have taken on some godawful image changes over the years. These are people who appear in front of millions for a living, and to whom appearances can be everything€ yet very often their appearance is so poorly judged that it looks like their parents lost a bet with God. We€™re not talking about changes in gimmick here, which rules out oddities like Kevin Nash as Oz, or Giant Gonzales and his furry, airbrushed nude-leotard. Neither are we talking about people who looked hilarious when they started out in the business, when perhaps fashion was a little different or they didn€™t know any better - so Jeff Hardy as a scrawny boy-band type and Ric Flair€™s high-waisted check trousers and huge coiffure don€™t count either. No, this article is dedicated to the wrestlers that somehow didn€™t realise that what they were wearing was offensively hard on the eyes, or who tried something new that they should have left on the drawing board where it belonged: the new looks that a host of WWE stars should have thought twice about...

18. We Love The Chronic (WHAT) The Chronicles Of Riddick 2

Technically, this was between WWE gigs - but in early 2012 Batista worked on the Vin Diesel vanity franchise, playing a large wedge of henchman cheddar by the name of Diaz. Considerably leaner than usual (the result of training for his mixed martial arts debut), Big Dave was still a head taller than anyone else on the film, including Diesel himself, who is an average sized man pretending to be a large man. That, of course, is still better than Stallone: a leprechaun pretending to be a giant. Yet, because of the Riddick-verse€™s existence as low-level, low-budget, lo-fi sci-fi adventure for people that missed Dolph Lundgren€™s straight to video career, Batista rocks a braided mohawk and nu-metal style goatee for this movie, an entirely unwelcome image change that he retained for a suspiciously long time after wrapping the shoot.
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Professional writer, punk werewolf and nesting place for starfish. Obsessed with squid, spirals and story. I publish short weird fiction online at desincarne.com, and tweet nonsense under the name Jack The Bodiless. You can follow me all you like, just don't touch my stuff.