25 Bizarre WWE Christmas Moments
Oh hell no-ho-ho.

Professional wrestling hasn't always been kind to Christmas. In fact, that sacred day has become something of a punching bag for our favorite pseudosport.
Perhaps it's because promoters know that viewers at home are watching Christmas specials and fans at live events are sluggish with eggnog, but wrestling shows have a tendency to sail off into very strange territory in late December. This list chronicles 25 of the strangest indignities suffered by Christmas at the hands of professional wrestling, including terrible gimmick matches, innumerable Charles Dickens references, and a truly unsettling amount of physical violence suffered by Santa Claus.
Saint Nick has beaten, bruised, Stunned, and struck by moving vehicles. WWE is a weird place. So, don we now our gay apparel -- available at WWEShop.com, probably -- and join me as I explore pro wrestlings bizarre relationship with the Yuletide season.
25. Jingle Belles Match
Once upon a time, every holiday brought with it a battle royal or whatever where the entire ladies roster would show up in sexy costume. After the company went PG, the costumes became more and more conservative, but they still weren't ready to book the Divas as legitimate wrestlers.
The Jingle Belles tag dates from that strange period where they weren't willing to treat women as serious athletes, but also too entrenched with Mattel to treat them as sex objects. The end result was Aksana trying to throw snapmares in a snowman suit or whatever.
Say what you will about the confused direction of the Divas Revolution, but it seems very likely that holiday-themed embarrassments like the Jingle Belles tag team match are a thing of the past. I'm having a hard time picturing Sasha Banks pairing her stunnas with blinged-out antlers, you know?