5 WWE Championship Belt Design Concepts That Were Rejected - Pics & Analysis

the rock wwe On Raw a few months back, then WWE Champion The Rock did away with the much hated €œspinner€ design that has haunted us since 2005. The design, that was introduced by John Cena during his first title reign, is now safely away from WWE screens forever.. .hopefully in a bin. That gimmicky belt was designed solely for Cena, circa 2005/2006, and it had all the jewels, bling and other trappings of the Cena tweener/heel rapper character of the time. It even said €œChamp€! And that one burned like acid. For the longest time it seemed like this would be a temporary thing, like the Smoking Skull or Brahma Bull belt, but it didn't go away until 2013. The prayed for replacement gave hope that "honour would be returned to the title" or that "the belt would mean something again". There were hopes of a return to the glory days of the "winged eagle or the classic Attitude Era belt but alas this was not to be, and in typical WWE fashion many were disappointed. (Personally, I just wanted something that doesn't look like a toy). Instead,we would be presented with another big, gold, tacky monster. Complete with two side plates to be customized for the current champion. I will admit that it is less tacky than the spinner belt, but that isn't really saying much. The hate towards this belt was the subject of many articles, like this one, around the net but it seems to have been met with more positive reviews than negative. Although I personally can tolerate it, I still would prefer something that looks more like a championship. However, it seems that we were saved the worst that the crack team over at Titan Towers innovations could come up with. Today, WWE.com posted an article detailing the abandoned designs that were on the table for the "biggest prize in the industry". Let's take a look...
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Roman Historian, computer nerd, Freelance Journalist, Podcaster, Star Wars Fanboy, and a Sci-fi/Horror über fan with a soft spot for awesomely terrible films. Host of the weekly Wrestleview International Desk radio show on WViDesk.com. Feel free to follow me on Twitter @DarraghWV.