7 Most Evil Moments Of Jake "The Snake" Roberts' WWE Heel Run

2. Trying To Decapitate Miss Elizabeth

After defeating Roberts once again, this time on an episode of Saturday Night's Main Event, Savage celebrated at ringside with his wife, the lovely Miss Elizabeth. Ever the good sportsman, Jake decided to avenge the loss by taking a steel chair, hiding backstage on the other side of the entrance curtain and promising to smash the chair over the head of whoever came through the curtain first. In his own words - "I don't care which one it is." Viewers were on the edge of their seats as the cameras cut back and forth between Savage and Elizabeth walking down the aisle towards the curtain, and footage of Jake warming up his swing like Barry Bonds at bat. Fans held their breath as it became apparent that it was Elizabeth who was about to come through first. Liz passed through the curtain, Jake swung, and then suddenly The Undertaker appeared from behind Jake and grabbed hold of the chair. Jake and 'Taker tussled with the chair, giving Savage enough time to grab a chair of his own and crack it across the Roberts' back. While things had ended between Jake and Savage, it was just the beginning for The Snake and The Undertaker...
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Jake Roberts
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It ain't easy! Former Manager of Ultimate Warrior's "WarriorWeb", Former Senior Editor of Vince Russo's "Pyro and Ballyhoo", and wrestling fan for over twenty five years. Daniel's favourite wrestling memory is being in Wembley Stadium with his Grandad for SummerSlam '92.