8 Embarrassing WWE Imposters

5. Sin Cara Negro


Sin Cara had a bumpy start in WWE. After debuting to much fanfare in April 2011, the former Mistico found it hard to adapt to the new style. Cara, who had been one of Mexico's most impressive flyers, began botching with frustrating (and hilarious) regularity. It was bad match after bad match after bad match; things just wouldn't happen for him.

Then he was hit with a thirty day suspension for failing a drug test on 18 July 2011. On 12 August, Sin Cara returned to SmackDown with a win over Tyson Kidd. Only this wasn't the same Sin Cara: it was an imposter (arguably an upgrade). This version of Sin Cara began to slowly turn heel, attacking Daniel Bryan and generally acting like a jerk. The original Sin Cara returned in September and began feuding with his evil doppelganger. The two had a decent match at Hell in a Cell, before the feud culminated in a great Mask Vs. Mask match at the 16 October SmackDown tapings in Mexico City.

Sin Cara Azul (blue) was victorious and Sin Cara Negro reverted to his Hunico gimmick. Hunico would take over the gimmick again after the original Sin Cara was released from his contract in March 2014. He continues to wrestle as Sin Cara on WWE TV to this day. The Sin Cara experiment was, on the whole, a failure. Rey Mysterio he ain't.


Student of film. Former professional wrestler. Supporter of Newcastle United. Don't cry for me, I'm already dead...