8 Times WWE Punished Divas On-Air

7. Sunny Gets A Special Slopping For Angering The Locker Room

It's fair to say that Sunny was not well-liked by a lot of the locker room in the mid-late 90s. The 'original diva' rubbed a lot of people the wrong way (oo-er) with her flirtatious nature, outspokenness and, most importantly, the fact that she was supposedly cheating on boyfriend Chris 'Skip' Candido with similarly loathed top star Shawn Michaels (amongst others).

So when the chance came up for the boys to get their revenge, they grabbed it with both hands. Remember the Godwinns tag team, those lovely pig farmers who used to 'slop' people? Well, they were working a series of matches with The Smoking Gunns, who were being managed by one Tammy Sytch. In the storyline, Sunny was leading Phineas (Dennis Knight) on and messing with his mind.

He responded with his trusty bucket of 'slop', which had a few added ingredients.

Aware that Sunny was about to have the bucket dumped over her head during the taping of an episode of Superstars, several members of the locker room began, erm, contributing to it's content. According to Knight (speaking to James Dixon in the book Titan Sinking);

I left the bucket in the locker-room and said to no one in particular, 'So, I am slopping Sunny tonight. Don't anybody be touching this bucket...' and sure enough the bucket was full when I got back. She got a mixture of a little bit of everyone that night.
Wrestlers being the mature men that they are, you can guarantee that Sunny was covered with every conceivable bodily fluid, which is pretty awful indeed (although, considering her recent career change, that's small potatoes, really). While this is more a case of the boys exacting a little revenge on behalf of a colleague they felt were being treated unfairly, you'd have to think that WWE knew about this rib in advance.Hell, a shot of it even ended up gracing the cover of WWF Magazine!

Student of film. Former professional wrestler. Supporter of Newcastle United. Don't cry for me, I'm already dead...