More details on
Brock Lesnar's tantrum backstage after WWE Extreme Rules on Sunday (which we reported on
HERE) have been revealed by F4WOnline.com. Brock Lesnar's camp are under the impression that WWE were testing Brock Lesnar by misinforming him on what was going to happen post his main event match with John Cena on Sunday. As we reported earlier, Brock was happy to lose to Cena on the night because he thought he would be put over as a monster during the match (which he successfully was) but post-match he would be kept strong by being able to walk to the back whilst Cena would be the victor, but would need to be carried back on a stretcher and totally incapacitated. That of course never happened and instead Cena was able to stand-up and deliver a speech to the crowd whilst Lesnar faded into the background. As we reported earlier, Lesnar went nuts backstage on Sunday and was yelling at WWE officials. He messed up the locker room, tore up documents and got in the face of Marc Carano, the assistant to John Laurinaitis, who he blamed for everything that is wrong with the WWE and why it is a mess. During his meltdown backstage, Lesnar claimed that Cena intentionally pulled down top rope at Extreme Rules, which caused him to blow out his knee during the bad spots at the end of the match when fell over to the floor. Most believe Lesnar completely over-acted and that his feeling of being duped by the WWE could even be a work to showcase to other wrestlers that Lesnar could quit at anytime. There are many skeptics within the company of the apparent "real heat" between Lesnar and Cena but such is the wrestling business that everyone is skeptical of everything. Regardless of what is real or fake, reports are that Lesnar's future in the WWE is in doubt and has become a sticky situation. Whilst a program with Triple H has clearly been set-out for Lesnar's return in the summer, possibly even as a potential match at WWE SummerSlam 2012, there are many who believe that Lesnar will work as little as possible (i.e. SummerSlam, Survivor Series, Royal Rumble) up until next year's WrestleMania... taking his money and running, effectively. On last night's RAW, WWE temporarily wrote Lesnar out of the storylines with his contract dispute and breaking of Triple H's arm, which was always planned but has the added advantage of giving Lesnar and WWE some time to calm down over the situation. WWE's contract with Lesnar is only for a couple of dates per month up until WWE WrestleMania 29 where it expires, and WWE are of the impression that because they have spent so much money on the former UFC Champion for only a limited time, it is wiser that Lesnar puts over the companies stars and jobs out more than he wins. Which is illogical and the opposite of what history actually suggests. Personally speaking, WWE would be better off keeping Lesnar strong and not losing up until WrestleMania 29 and keep him the box office draw that he is, otherwise what was the point in spending all that money on just another guy who loses to John Cena and co?