CM Punk's 10 Greatest Rivals

There has been a lot written about CM Punk since he left WWE the night after the 2014 Royal Rumble. Some of it has been good and a lot of it has been bad. There are those that completely understand why he left WWE due to his unhappiness and then there are angry group of fans that are mad at him for quitting his job six months before his contract expired. If he left when his deal was up in July perhaps we could understand it better. Since he left when he did, we'll likely never understand or at least it's not going to be explained to us anytime soon. The word "retired" has been thrown around regarding Punk's future. We don't really know if it's the right term to use or if that's the way we want to label him because if he's not active and he's not seriously injured then that's what he is. Punk's career in WWE spanned about seven years from the time he debuted in ECW in 2006 to when he left earlier this year. During that time he was a face, then a heel, then a face, then a heel again and finally he ended up as a face. He thrived in either role and had some great rivalries along the way. Here's a look at Punk's ten best rivals in WWE with an apology to John Laurinaitis, who nearly made it just because Punk's impression of him is amazing.

John wrote at WhatCulture from December 2013 to December 2015. It was fun, but it's over for now. Follow him on Twitter @johnreport. You can also send an email to with any questions or comments as well.