Did The Undertaker Symbolically Retire From WrestleMania Last Night?
Backstage WWE speculation on the Deadman's future.

There were many backstage at WrestleMania 32who believed TheUndertaker hadretired from 'Mania followingthe conclusion of last night's victory over ShaneMcMahon, according to PWInsider.
As has been noted, an interesting moment occurred after the match when TheUndertaker took off his gloves and left them in the middle of the squared circle,which led many to believe it was a symbolic meaning over the Deadman's future.
Although we probably shouldn't look too muchinto it given 'Mania took place in TheUndertaker's home state of Dallas, Taker noticeably had many of his friends and family in attendance for the show, which only fueled the fire of his apparent symbolic gesture.
Interestingly, John Bradshaw Layfield on commentary noted that we should expect The Undertaker back competing again at WrestleMania 33 in Orlando next year. In addition, The Undertaker is already scheduled to compete at the Newcastle house show in a tag match on April 20th as part ofWWE's post-WrestleMania UKtour... so an immediate retirement isn't on the cards.
As the Deadman overcame the challenge of ShaneMcMahon last night, avoiding the stipulation that he would never be able to compete at WrestleMania again if he lost, the smart money would seem to be on him competing again next year, health permitting.